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I’m with my old best friends who

I’m with my old best friends who I don’t talk to in real life at a supermarket either pregnant or just had a baby and I meet this guy where it is love at first sight but he leaves and I’m bummed but then he comes right back in and helps me go shopping but then becomes a little too possessive or controlling and gets mad that I wondered off and went to the bathroom without telling him or going with someone so I try to sneak away

I owned a ginger coloured young feral

I owned a ginger coloured young feral cat with me for over a month, it passed away some 3 months ago while I was away. Suddenly, last night I dreamed of it, as my only best friend while it was the same name the dream cat responded to, the cat was more of a Siberian cat.

I had a ginger coloured young feral

I had a ginger coloured young feral cat with me for over a month, I died some 3 months ago while I was away. Suddenly, last night I dreamed of it, as my only best friend while it was the same name the dream cat responded to, the cat was more of a Siberian cat.

I had a ginger coloured feral baby

I had a ginger coloured feral baby cat with me for over a month, I died some 3 months ago while I was away. Suddenly, last night I dreamed of it, as my only best friend while it was the same name the dream cat responded to, the cat was more of a Siberian cat.

I had a ginger coloured feral baby

I had a ginger coloured feral baby cat with me for over a month, I died some 3 months ago while I was away. Suddenly, last night I dreamed of it, as my only best friend while it was the same name the dream cat responded to, the cat was quite a fluff

I had a dream i was in

I had a dream i was in a unfamilar house me and my best friend person whom im in love with. was cuddling in a bed.. I got up and felt something behind me. my bestfriend grabbed me and moved me out the way.. there was a demonic creature hoovered behind me.

I had a dream i was in

I had a dream i was in a unfamilar house me and my best friend/ person whom im in love with. i was standing up and felt something behind me. my bestfriend grabbed me and moved me out the way.. there was a demonic creature hoovered behind me.